Aero Token - First Self Inflationary Token

Hasil gambar untuk aerotoken

Since industrial countries moved away from the gold standard over the past few centuries, the value of money is determined by the amount of currency in circulation and the public's perception of the value of money itself. When the central bank decides to put more money into market circulation and hopes to increase economic growth, the value of money can fall due to changes in public perception about the value of the underlying currency. As a result, this devaluation will force the price of goods to rise due to the fact that each unit of currency is now valued lower.

One way to look at the effect of money supply on inflation is the same way that goods are hunted by collectors. The rarer a certain item, the more valuable it is. The same logic applies to currencies; the less currency there is in the money supply, the more valuable the currency is. When the government decides to print new currencies, they basically reduce the value of the money already in circulation.

Inflation is mainly caused by an increase in the money supply that exceeds economic growth.

Inflation can be exacerbated by increased exposure to foreign markets. On a daily basis, as consumers may not care about the exchange rate, but in an increasingly global economy, the exchange rate is one of the most important factors in determining inflation rates.

When the exchange rate is so large that our country's currency is less valuable than foreign currencies, this makes foreign goods and goods more expensive for domestic consumers. While simultaneously making goods, services, and exports abroad cheaper for consumers abroad.

a platform is here to provide a solution to overcome the problem of trade inflation both domestically and abroad, or investment.

The hyperinflation approach is a more economical way to mine cryptocurrencies. Now you don't need high energy, complicated computers, and millions of dollars to set up a mining field.

Aerotoken can be mined by completing only one transaction. 0.01% is not easy to achieve, but with AET you have a game modifier.

Aerotoken is compatible with Imtoken, Trust wallet, Mew, MetaMask, etc.


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